– CACIB Timisoara |
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky | Exc1, CAJC,
CACIB-J, BOJ, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION |
– CACIB Timisoara |
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky | Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOS |
– CAC Timisoara |
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky | Exc1, CAJC |
– CAC Brno |
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC,
National Winner fulfilled all terms for the titles CZECH CHAMPION, CMKU CHAMPION and DANISH CHAMPION |
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky | Exc1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB |
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAJC |
Unique Pupkin Pearl of the Moon | Exc1,
CAC fulfilled all terms for the title CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION |
Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1,
CAC fulfilled all terms for the title CZECH CHAMPION |
– CACIB Praha |
JWW GCH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC,
CACIB, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title DANISH CHAMPION |
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon | Exc1 |
Unique Joker Pearl of the Moon | Exc1 |
Peony Perla Mahagon | Promising 1 |
– CACIB Praha |
JWW GCH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB, 4th BIG |
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB |
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ |
– CACIB Praha |
CH Zeyn Perla Mahagon | Exc2,
r.CACIB fulfilled all terms for the title INTERCHAMPION F.C.I. |
Marino |
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon | Exc1,
BOB fulfilles all terms for the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SAN MARINO |
– CAC San
Marino |
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon | Exc1,
JCAC, BOJ, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SAN MARINO |
Marino |
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon | VG1 |
– CAC San
Marino |
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB |
– Special CAC San
Marino |
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB |
– Special CAC tibetan spaniels Litomerice |
CIB WW EW Illusion Magic Pearl of the Moon | Exc1 - honor class, BOS, r.BIS-Honor |
GCH JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, Winner of special show, BOB, r.BIS |
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky | VP1, Best puppy |
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon | Exc2 |
Pompon Perla Mahagon | VP1, Best baby |
CH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, Winner of special show |
CH Daisy Perla Mahagon | Exc2 - honor class |
Unique Joke Pearl of the Moon | Exc2 |
– CAC Samobor |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC fulfilled all terms for the title CROATIAN GRAND CHAMPION |
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title CROATIAN CHAMPION |
– CAC Samobor |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC |
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, BOB |
– CACIB Mlada Boleslav |
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB |
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ, BOS |
– CAC Paracin |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN GRAND CHAMPION |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC,
BOB fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN GRAND CHAMPION |
– CACIB Sokobanja |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, r.BIG |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS |
– CAC Aleksinac |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC,
BOB fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN CHAMPION |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN CHAMPION |
– CAC Mlada Boleslav |
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, National Winner, BOB, 3rd BIG |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC |
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAJC, BOJ |
CH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, National Winner, BOS |
– CACIB Arad |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CACL, CACIB,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN GRAND CHAMPION |
– CACIB Arad |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC,
r.CACIB fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN CHAMPION |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CACL,
r.CACIB fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN CHAMPION |
– CAC Arad |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC |
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CACL |
GCH Nata Gold | Exc1, CAC,
Best female,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN CHAMPION |
– CACIB Arad |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB |
GCH Nata Gold | Exc1, CACL, r.CACIB |
– CACIB Umag |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS |
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB |
– CACIB Umag |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB |
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC,
CACIB, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title INTERCHAMPION F.C.I. - CIB |
– CACIB Litomerice |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB, 5th BIG |
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOS |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB |
GCH Nata Gold | Exc1, CAC fulfilled all terms for the title CLUB CHAMPION |
JCH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC,
r.CACIB fulfilled all terms for the title CZECHCHAMPION |
– Club Show Mlada Boleslav |
GCH WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1,
CAC, Club Winner,
BOB fulfilled all terms for the title CZECH CHAMPION |
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc2, r.CAC |
GCH Nata Gold | Exc1, CAC |
GCH Frozen Blaze Pearl of the Moon | Exc2 |
JCH Pretty Woman Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC |
CH Daisy Perla Mahagon | Exc1, r.CAC |
CH Aimee Perla Mahagon | Exc1 - Honor class |
– CAC "Croatian
Winner" Zagreb |
CH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC fulfilled all terms for the title CROTIAN CHAMPION |
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAJC, Croatian Junior Winner, Junior BOB fulfilled all terms for the title CROATIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION a DANISH JUNIOR CHAMPION |
– F.C.I. World Dog Show Zagreb |
CIB Evita Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner, BOB |
CH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC |
Nicolas Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAJC, Junior World Winner |
– CACIB Ceské Budejovice |
JCH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB |
– CACIB Orhei |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC,
CACIB, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF BESARABIA |
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the titles JUNIOR CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA and CHAMPION OF BESARABIA |
CIB-J Nata Gold | Exc1, CAC,
CACIB fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF BESARABIA |
– CAC Orhei |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title SUPER GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC fulfilled all terms for the title GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
CIB-J Nata Gold | Exc1, CAC,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the title GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
– CACIB Orhei |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC,
Cruft's kvalifikace, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
CIB-J Nata Gold | Exc1, CAC,
CACIB, Cruft's kvalifikace, BOS fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
– CAC Orhei |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA |
CIB-J Nata Gold | V1, CAC, BOS |
– CACIB Orhei |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB |
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB |
CIB-J Nata Gold | Exc1,
BOS fulfilled all terms for the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF MOLDÁVIE |
– CACIB Celje |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, JCAC,
CACIB-J, Junior
BOB, Best
Male, BOB fulfilled all terms for the title SLOVEIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION |
CIB-J Nata Gold | Exc1,
JCAC, CACIB-J fulfilled all terms for the title SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION |
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC,
Female, BOS fulfilled all terms for the title SLOVENIAN CHAMPION |
– CAC Celje |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, JCAC, Best Male, BOS |
CIB-J Nata Gold | Exc1, JCAC, Junior BOB |
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, Best Female, BOB |
– CACIB Celje |
CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, Junior Slovenian Winner, Junior BOB, Best Male, BOS |
JCH Nata Gold | Exc1,
Slovenian Winner fulfilled all terms for the title INTERCHAMPION JUNIOR |
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon | Exc1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, Slovenian Winner, BOB |