Show achievements of our tibbies and their offspring

19.1.2025 – CACIB Timisoara , judge Mrs. Tatjana Urek (SL)

Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION

18.1.2025 – CACIB Timisoara , judge Mr. Petru Muntean (RO)

Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOS

18.1.2025 – CAC Timisoara , judge Mr. Victor Lobakin (AZ)

Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky Exc1, CAJC

12.1.2025 – CAC Brno , judge Mrs. Vaclava Rybarova (CZ)

JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, National Winner
fulfilled all terms for the titles CZECH CHAMPION, CMKU CHAMPION and DANISH CHAMPION
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky Exc1, CAJC, BOJ, BOB
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAJC
Unique Pupkin Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION
Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title CZECH CHAMPION

1.12.2024 – CACIB Praha , judge Mrs. Nadezda Klirova (CZ)

JWW GCH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title DANISH CHAMPION
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon Exc1
Unique Joker Pearl of the Moon Exc1
Peony Perla Mahagon Promising 1

30.11.2024 – CACIB Praha , judge Ing. Alena Kostalova (CZ)

JWW GCH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB, 4th BIG
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB
Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ

29.11.2024 – CACIB Praha , judge Mr. Jarmo Hilpinen (FIN)

CH Zeyn Perla Mahagon Exc2, r.CAC, r.CACIB
fulfilled all terms for the title INTERCHAMPION F.C.I.

27.10.2024 – CACIB San Marino , judge Mrs. Olga Kuprijanova-Sinko (SL)

Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, BOJ, BOB
fulfilles all terms for the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SAN MARINO

27.10.2024 – CAC San Marino , judge Mr. Stefan Sinko (SL)

Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF SAN MARINO

26.10.2024 – CACIB San Marino , judge Mrs. Ligita Zake (LTV)

Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon VG1

26.10.2024 – CAC San Marino , judge Mr. Dmitry Prozorov (RUS)

Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB

25.10.2024 – Special CAC San Marino , judge Mr. Juan Naveda Carrero (ESP)

Velvet Night Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, BOJ, BOB

19.10.2024 – Special CAC tibetan spaniels Litomerice , judge Ing. Jan Busta (CZ)

CIB WW EW Illusion Magic Pearl of the Moon Exc1 - honor class, BOS, r.BIS-Honor
GCH JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, Winner of special show, BOB, r.BIS
Kiiramanna Diamonds in the Sky VP1, Best puppy
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon Exc2
Pompon Perla Mahagon VP1, Best baby
CH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, Winner of special show
CH Daisy Perla Mahagon Exc2 - honor class
Unique Joke Pearl of the Moon Exc2

8.9.2024 – CAC Samobor , judge Mrs. Monika Skok (HR)

GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title CROATIAN GRAND CHAMPION
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title CROATIAN CHAMPION

7.9.2024 – CAC Samobor , judge Mrs. Suzana Simon (HR)

GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, BOB

18.8.2024 – CACIB Mlada Boleslav , judge Mr. Antonin Mudra (CZ)

JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CACIB
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAJC, CACIB-J, BOJ, BOS

28.7.2024 – CAC Paracin , judge Mr. Miroslav Nikolic (SRB)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN GRAND CHAMPION
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN GRAND CHAMPION

27.7.2024 – CACIB Sokobanja , judge Mrs. Marija Radovanovic (SRB)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, r.BIG
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS

27.7.2024 – CAC Aleksinac , judge Mrs. Vesna Milodradovic (SRB)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN CHAMPION
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the title SERBIAN CHAMPION

21.7.2024 – CAC Mlada Boleslav , judge Mr. Petr Rehanek (CZ)

JWW CH Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, National Winner, BOB3rd BIG
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC
Unique Pumpkin Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAJC, BOJ
CH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, National Winner, BOS

7.7.2024 – CACIB Arad , judge Mrs. Heidi Kirschbichler (A)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CACL, CACIB, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN GRAND CHAMPION

6.7.2024 – CACIB Arad , judge Mrs. Marta Sipos (SRB)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN CHAMPION
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CACL, r.CACIB
fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN CHAMPION

6.7.2024 – CAC Arad , judge Mrs Bonka Georgieva Laslo (SRB)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC
GCH Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CACL
GCH Nata Gold Exc1, CAC, Best femaleBOS
fulfilled all terms for the title ROMANIAN CHAMPION

5.7.2024 – CACIB Arad , judge Mrs. Dagmar Klein (RO)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
GCH Nata Gold Exc1, CACL, r.CACIB

2.6.2024 – CACIB Umag , judge Mrs. Sanda Kekez Veselic (HR)

GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

1.6.2024 – CACIB Umag , judge M. Jan Busta (CZ)

GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title INTERCHAMPION F.C.I. - CIB

26.5.2024 – CACIB Litomerice , judge Mrs. Olga Dolejsova (CZ)

JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOB, 5th BIG
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB, BOS
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
GCH Nata Gold Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title CLUB CHAMPION
JCH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, r.CACIB
fulfilled all terms for the title CZECHCHAMPION

8.5.2024 – Club Show Mlada Boleslav , judge Mrs. Olga Dolejsova (CZ)

GCH WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, Club Winner, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title CZECH CHAMPION
GCH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc2, r.CAC
GCH Nata Gold Exc1, CAC
GCH Frozen Blaze Pearl of the Moon Exc2
JCH Pretty Woman Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
CH Daisy Perla Mahagon Exc1, r.CAC
CH Aimee Perla Mahagon Exc1 - Honor class

27.4.2024 – CAC "Croatian Winner" Zagreb , judge Mrs. Olga Sinko (SL)

CH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title CROTIAN CHAMPION
JWW Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAJC, Croatian Junior Winner, Junior BOB

27.4.2024 – F.C.I. World Dog Show Zagreb , judge Dr. Veronika Kucerova Chrpova (CZ)

CIB Evita Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, World WinnerBOB
CH Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC
Nicolas Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAJC, Junior World Winner

14.4.2024 – CACIB Ceské Budejovice , rozhodčí Mr. Zeljko Lozic (SRB)

JCH Pretty Women Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CMKU-CAC, CACIB

18.2.2024 – CACIB Orhei , judge Mr. Mile Aleksoski (NM)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF BESARABIA
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, Junior BOB, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the titles JUNIOR CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA and CHAMPION OF  BESARABIA
CIB-J Nata Gold Exc1, CAC, CACIB
fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF BESARABIA

18.2.2024 – CAC Orhei , judge Mrs. Valentina Shemetuik (MD)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title SUPER GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA
CIB-J Nata Gold Exc1, CAC, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the title GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA

17.2.2024 – CACIB Orhei , judge Mr. Petru Muntean (RO)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, Cruft's kvalifikace, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title GRAND CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA
CIB-J Nata Gold Exc1, CAC, CACIB, Cruft's kvalifikace, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA

17.2.2024 – CAC Orhei , judge Mrs. Ludmila Lavrova (MD)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, BOB
fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC
fulfilled all terms for the title CHAMPION OF MOLDOVA
CIB-J Nata Gold V1, CAC, BOS

16.2.2024 – CACIB Orhei , judge Mrs. Helen Tonkson (EST)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
CIB-J Mamba Perla Mahagon Exc1, CAC, CACIB
CIB-J Nata Gold Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, Junior BOB, BOS
fulfilled all terms for the title JUNIOR CHAMPION OF MOLDÁVIE

14.1.2024 – CACIB Celje , judge Mr. Vilmos Kardos (HU)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, Junior BOB, Best MaleBOB
fulfilled all terms for the title SLOVEIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION
CIB-J Nata Gold Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J
fulfilled all terms for the title SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, Best FemaleBOS
fulfilled all terms for the title SLOVENIAN CHAMPION

13.1.2024 – CAC Celje , judge Mr. Frode Jevne (NO)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, Best MaleBOS
CIB-J Nata Gold Exc1, JCAC, Junior BOB
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, Best FemaleBOB

13.1.2024 – CACIB Celje , judge Mrs. Jasna Matějčič (HR)

CIB-J Time for Applause Pearl of the Moon Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, Junior Slovenian Winner, Junior BOB, Best MaleBOS
JCH Nata Gold Exc1, JCAC, CACIB-J, Junior Slovenian Winner
fulfilled all terms for the title INTERCHAMPION JUNIOR
WW Quality Fantasy Pearl of the Moon Exc1, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, Slovenian WinnerBOB


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